Публікації. Монографії (відділ 36)
Постійне посилання зібранняhttps://archive.ipms.kyiv.ua/handle/123456789/125
Документ About Al–Si Alloys Structure Features and Ductility and Strength Increasing after Deformation Heat Processing(Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies 2022, vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 769–784, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2022) V. V. Kaverinsky; Z. P. Sukhenko; G. A. Bagluk; D. G. VerbyloA technique of deformation heat processing for Al–Si based alloys is proposed which can significantly increase their both ductility and strength and also re- veals additional reserves for their strength and hardness increasing through cold work hardening. The method includes serial of small hot plastic defor- mations with intermediate cooling and short annealing. This makes the silicon inclusion rather small with shape close to spherical, which leads to the ductil- ity increasing. Then a work hardening processing could be performed for the material. Finally, both ductility and strength appear higher than in the initial cast state.